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Recommended Reports

Location Detail

  • What it does - The Location Detail provides a nice breakdown of events for each location. The breakdown includes a summary for each event taking place during the specified reporting period including the event date and time, organization, total usage hours, and the amount invoiced.
  • Why it's great - It is a very helpful report because it gives a good breakdown of what's going on at each of your locations in regards to facility usage. The report can be mined and refined further into Pivot Charts or Tables to focus on the details of these events and their associated data.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on Report in the Actions menu, and then click on Locations.
    • Enter the criteria for your report, making sure to select Detail Report in Step 13.


Calendar Event

  • What it does - The Calendar Event report provides a nice and easy way to print the calendar. The report date range is flexible and the results include who, what, when, where, and what needs to be done in an easy to read PDF format.
  • Why it's great - The Calendar Event report is a great tool for any personnel involved in setup, breakdown, or on-site management of the events that are occurring at each location.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on the Calendar Tab, then select the Location from the drop down and click Refresh Calendar.
    • Click Print This under the Select Month/Year drop downs.
    • Change the report dates, if needed. Select Summary Report and check Print Event Tasks.


Invoice Summary

  • What it does - The Invoice Summary report gives you the ability to see the overall invoiced amount for each billing contact that uses your facilities as well as a breakdown of each individual invoice. The report also includes a breakdown of how much has been paid and the total amount currently due for each invoice.
  • Why it's great - This report gives the ability to pinpoint outstanding fees that need to be collected for effective cost recovery.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on Report in the Actions menu, then click on Invoices.
    • Enter the criteria for your report, making sure to select Summary Report in Step 6.



       Bright Idea: 

Another great way to pinpoint invoices that have an outstanding balance is to click on the number next to Outstanding on the home page.  You can then generate a PDF of this data by clicking Print This at the bottom of the page, or click Print to Excel to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.


Charge Type Detail

  • What it does - The Charge Type report allows you to see a nice summary for the charge types you've created in Facility Schedule. For each type the report provides a breakout of when the charge type was used. The report can be generated for a specific time period, organization, and/or location.
  • Why it's great - This report is a great tool to show what your organization is charging from room rental fees to equipment, utility, and administration fees; a good high-level, "keep your finger on the pulse" type report.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on Report in the Actions menu, and then click on Charge Types.
    • Enter the criteria for your report, making sure to select Detail Report in Step 8.


Organization Detail

  • What it does - This report provides a nice breakdown of events by organization. It also includes the event details for any events they have in the reported time frame and contact information for the individual organizations.
  • Why it's great - The Organization Detail report is very helpful in researching whether or not organizations have valid insurance policies. This can help with risk management procedures and pinpoint those organizations that need to submit updated policies.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on Report in the Actions menu, and then click on Organizations.
    • Enter the criteria for your report, making sure to select Detail Report in Step 14. Check the box to include insurance policy dates, if you are interested in that information.


Schedule Summary and Detail

  • What it does - You can filter this report by any of the fields available on the schedule form and it provides a nice breakdown of each schedule. While the Schedule Summary report shows the basic totals for schedules by location, it also tells who the schedule is routed to, the status and state, along with the basic details of each schedule listed. The Schedule Detail version of the report breaks each schedule down by event date and includes all of the details listed on the schedule.
  • Why it's great - These are both excellent, all-encompassing reports. They're great to open as an Excel file to create Pivot Charts/Tables to mine and refine data into strong visuals. The Schedule report works really well as a Saved Action where you can save and schedule the report to run on a regular basis. It helps you keep your finger on the pulse of what's going on at your organization.
  • Where to find it -
    • Click on Report in the Actions menu, and then click on Schedules.
    • Enter the criteria for your report and select Summary Report or Detail Report in Step 17.
    • Select Excel in Step 18 to open as a spreadsheet.
    • Your data will format into corresponding rows and columns. You can use the Pivot Table feature to create tables, charts, and graphs of the data, as displayed below: